Friday, February 24, 2012

What does Bible say about Suicide

People talk about suicide like it's a secret that you can't share with anyone. Suicide is whispered amongst friends and family members, and when someone engages in a suicidal act, the only question on everyone's lips is, "Why?". The answer is well-understood by mental health professionals , the answer is depression.

Each soul is very precious to God. Job said, In whose (God's) hand is the soul of every living thing... (Job 12:10). God creates each human soul to give us an opportunity to learn of God, keep his commandments, and put on immortality.

Only God can judge the spiritual condition of a soul and know his/her final decisions (Pro.29:26, Psa.75:7).

There are many people to whom God can show mercy (Psa.18:25). A person who has sought God during his/her life -- (e.g. by trying to do things righteously or to love others) may still be very troubled by thoughts or feelings of failure, hopelessness, or unloved.

These thoughts can be likened to a train, first comes the engine, then several cars, then the caboose. Suicide is the caboose of a train of thought. It comes after many other cars which carry messages such as,

I can never do anything right,

I might as well give up

They would be better off without me

Nobody ever pays me any attention, and I'll show them.

These ultimately lead to the thought which says Suicide is the way out ! .


How God Handled Different Suicide Attempts In The Bible ?

Scriptures teach us that thoughts and feelings are spirit (Joh.6:63; Gal.5:22; Eph.2:2; Jam.4:5).

God told Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand (Job 1:12). Satan did his dirty work and Job began to despair, wanting to die, even wishing that he had never even been born! (Job 3:3-13). Job expressed his evil thoughts and feelings, but he did not follow through on them, even when his wife suggested suicide as a way to get out of his misery (Job 2:9).

God knew Job had spoken without knowledge (Job 38:2) so God didn't turn his back on Job. God was longsuffering with Job's evil thoughts, and when Job finally discovered that it's satan tempting him to denounce God, God was able to bless him abundantly (Job 42:3,6,10,12).

Jonah was a prophet of God and God told him to speak to the people of Nineveh. Jonah was disobedient to God, choosing instead to get on a ship and travel in the opposite direction. Disobedience is caused by an evil spirit (Eph.2:2).

This spirit caused a condition of hell in Jonah's mind (he knew what God wanted him to do and did not do it, Jam.4:17). God sent a great storm and Jonah confessed he was the cause of the trouble. Jonah said, Cast me into the sea,(Jonah was attempting to commit suicide) knowing that if he died, this condition of hell in his mind would cease.

Some people will tell us that suicide condemns a soul to be lost forever, because God can't forgive you until you repent and you can't repent of suicide after you are dead. The story of Jonah shows God being merciful to him even before he repented. Jonah did not repent until after the fish had swallowed him, and he had time to think about his choices.

People who attempt suicide are often thinking along the same lines as Jonah ,This is hell, and the only way out I can see is to kill myself. Jonah was in hell while he was alive (read Jon.2:2) and wanted to die to get out of hell.

Hell can be a condition of torment in our mind while we are alive.

God does not automatically turn his back and write off the soul as lost forever just because he or she dies by way of suicide. Only God knows how much control the person had over the evil thoughts in his/her mind. If a soul commits suicide before coming to the full knowledge of the truth, God can have mercy on that soul and remember that soul (Ma1.3:16).

If suicide is committed with the intention of setting an example, especially to the young, it also takes on the gravity of scandal. Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law.

Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.

We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.

To fulfill the requirements of a sin one would have to be in one's right mind and fully know the seriousness of the sin. Often when people attempt to commit suicide they are swayed by other pressures real or imagined, often caught up in fear, perhaps under the sway of medications, maybe feeling threatened. There are any number of factors that could affect their culpability in such cases. I'm not sure that we should ever link suicide to something like eternal damnation. I believe our God is much more merciful and understanding than that.


Start New Life

The devil's plan is to get you to believe that things are hopeless and that you are helpless and that the answer is to give it all up....It is yet a lie.

You can be a totally different person ..By RENEWING your MIND !. Change your thoughts, and reach out to Jesus.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)

Maybe it is GOD CALLING YOU to serve HIM instead of serving the world, which has you so miserable.

