Sunday, September 2, 2012

Communion with God

My friends, Communion with Him is NOT just limited to the “quiet” times we have with Him. NOT AT ALL! Actually, communion is an ongoing thing! It doesn’t stop the moment you finish your daily devotions, OH NO! It doesn’t stop there at all. Wherever you are, when you have come to a place of truly understanding what communion with God really is, you will find yourself speaking to Him, and Him speaking to you! It is sp precious! I wouldn’t trade it for anything! It’s powerful, it’s life changing! It’s awesome! You can never feel discouraged when you are constantly in communion with Him. Because He keeps imparting His heart in to yours! But do I feel discouraged? Of course, I do! Why? Because there have been moments, when I have taken my eyes of Him and focused them on myself and my circumstances! And boy, that just isn’t pleasant! Right now, let’s sit together and work this through and understand what it really means to be in communion with our Father!

I believe communion for a Christian could be divided in to seven different meaning. Seven; unique to one another, but yet so very essential for living life as a Christian and enjoying life as an anointed child of the Most High God.

Firstly, the word communion means Presence! It is God’s desire that the Presence of the Holy Spirit is with each and every one of us. So many people have gone astray or remain feeling hopeless and distant from God because they do not understand how important it is for them to remain in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s God’s desire that we remain in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a gift the Lord Jesus sent to each and every one of His precious children. Christianity is dead and powerless and meaningless without the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-16). Oh, my friend, the Presence of the Holy Spirit, is the Presence of the Lord, and in His Presence is “fullness of joy” and at His right hand, there “are pleasures forever more” (Psalm 16:11). It is so precious! There can be no communion with God if we are NOT in the Presence of the Holy Spirit! And it’s just like that really!

Communion means Fellowship! Oh, how desperately I need this when I am in communion with Him. Do you ministers of God understand that it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for us to be in ministry if we have no fellowship with Him? We might as well pack our bags and leave! Fellowship is vital! People of God, something you MUST understand is this. God wants to be in fellowship with each and every one of us! That’s right, He wants to fellowship with each of us. Yes, He is God Almighty, but something we must NEVER forget is that He is still our Father! Because of what Jesus did, we could call Him Abba Father (Romans 8:15). I don’t know what family background you come from, I don’t even know if you what it is like to have a father, but what I can guarantee you today, and vouch my life on it, is that God will NEVER EVER leave you nor would He EVER forsake you! His love is unconditional and He waits impatiently for your fellowship! He waits for you! And when we understand the desperation of God’s heart to fellowship with us, our hearts get desperate for Him, and we long for Him, just like a deer thirsts for water in the wilderness (Psalm 42:1).

Communion means Sharing Together! My precious friend, communion is NEVER a one way thing. This is something valuable each of us need to understand! Christianity is a relationship. When we are in communion with God, we start sharing things together! We pour out our hearts to Him, and He pours out His. We share our joys and He shares His. It goes both ways. “But He is God, and I am just ME!” Is that what you are thinking? Do you feel like you are not worthy? Do you feel like this is unrealistic? My friend, for this reason Jesus paid the price, just so you and I can be reconciled with God! It is POWERFUL! He is your Father! He is NOT a vending machine where you run to when you need something! He is your FATHER! The One Who laid it all down for you! The One Who loves you regardless of your weaknesses and shortcomings! The One Who thinks you are perfect! The One who wants to take you from Glory to Glory! The One Who finds you worthy to do His Work here on earth! How can we possibly be instruments of His Glory if we don’t maintain a relationship of sharing things together! Communion is a two way thing! It’s the most wonderful thing EVER!

Communion means Participation with. Oh, how I love this. My friend, the Holy Spirit is our partner. He wants to partner with is in EVERYTHING we do! That’s right, in every aspect of our lives! Whatever we do in the Kingdom of God must be done in partnership with Him. If we ever try to venture out on our own, we will come crashing down! The Bible speaks so often about how the Holy Spirit was “working with” those who ventured out to do things for the Kingdom. He is our Helper, and His participation with each and every one of us also leads Him to helping us. Oh, what a joy! Ministers of God, you must NEVER do anything independent of Him. NEVER! Whatever we do, is ordered by the Spirit of God! We labour in vain if we strive alone! The Holy Spirit does not want us to strive alone. His desire is to partner with us in EVERYTHING we do! And how can we EVER go wrong when we are partnered with the very Power of the Heavens? The same Power that worked in Jesus when He walked this earth!

Communion means Intimacy. I love that word. Oh, I really do! The Holy Spirit reveals to us the intimacy of the love of Jesus Christ. Intimacy is being in close and deep communion with someone. Intimacy is being in deep love and unity with someone. Communion means we are in deep love and unity with God, through the Holy Spirit. Oh, how beautiful! Have you had those moments when you feel such an overwhelming sense of God’s love and all you could do is fall prostrate on the floor and weep, and weep, and weep! Oh, that glorious experience happens to me almost every time. Our tears are the only language we know at that point. His love overshadows and immerses us! He becomes our intimate friend! He reveals His heart and that revelation touches and transforms our lives! Oh how beautiful and how wonderful! The Holy Spirit is your intimate friend! People can fail you, and they will, I promise you, they will! Time and time again! But the Holy Spirit will NEVER EVER fail you! And I mean NEVER! No man can match to the Love of the Father for His children! No one! He is your intimate friend!

Communion is Friendship. In John 15:15, Jesus re-establishes the fact that we are no longer servants but friends of Christ. I am a relational person, and I have always been so, I need friends and people around me at all times. When I discovered that the Holy Spirit wanted to be my friend, it changed my life forever! See, people are human, and we all have our weaknesses, we ALL do! People are NOT perfect and it is an imperfection on our part to expect them to be perfect. Oh, I have and sometimes still am so demanding on some of my closest friends that I would love to just shake myself and scream “Get over it, Dilruk!” But you know something, my friend? The ONLY perfect you will EVER have is the Holy Spirit! No one else! He understands you, He gets what you are going through, He loves you unconditionally and well, HE IS PERFECT! I also believe with all my heart that the more we experience this amazing friendship with the Holy Spirit, the more we are able to be better friends to others. I have noticed that some of the most anointed people are the most amazing and wonderful people you would ever meet! That is probably a generalization, but to an extent I believe it’s true! The Holy Spirit wants to be our closest friend! The One we could share our hearts with, even those things we simply cannot share with the best of our friends. Communion is undying, unlimited, unconditional friendship!

Finally, communion is Comradeship! I know it sounds like a pretty strong word, but it really isn’t when you take it in the context in relation to the Holy Spirit. The authority of God is NOT to make us feel insignificant or to intimidate us as most authority on earth would function. The authority of God is to empower us, to equip us, to love us, to protect us and to guide us! Yes, God is the God of our lives! He is God Almighty! And He has the reins of our lives. But He is NOT a selfish dictator! I really want to emphasize on that because for years I thought of God to be a bad bully! Then I met the Holy Spirit and He revealed to me the true heart of God! If you give God the authority over every part of your life, rest assured knowing that you will be protected and He will bring out the very best in you! Allow the Holy Spirit to be captain of your life! Trust me; you will NEVER EVER go wrong!

My friends that is my understanding of being in communion with God! It is the most wonderful thing EVER! It’s the best thing about my life. Our communion with Him is continuous. It never really stops unless we get distracted and focus on other things. It’s the most beautiful gift ever! It is powerful! It empowers you and equips you! You become so in tune to His Voice. Your mind and your spirit receive clarity! It is the most wonderful experience ever! I pray you experience the Power of Heaven in your life today! I pray you enjoy being in communion with your Father and experience Him afresh with each new day!